Rileigh and Grant

Rileigh and Grant

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dinner fun!

Friday night we went to a mexican restaraunt and they had a woman that did face painting sitting by the door. At the end of dinner we stopped by and this is the result. The kids had a blast and was an incentive for them to eat their dinners!

Grant had to have the snake on his face!
Riliegh wanted the rainbow with the pretty designs.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Easter Bunny

We went to Evansville this weekend to celebrate Easter with mommy's family. On Saturday the Easter bunny visited (a little early) and we got to paint and stamp eggs and get the Easter baskets and have an egg hunt at Great Gradnmom and Poppy's house. We got a lot of eggs and candy!!! We had a good time with our cousins Avery, Makayla, and Madison. Grandmom and Poppy had a lot of fun watching the kids run around their yard hunting for the eggs.

The Easter Bunny showed up while we were taking a walk around the block... that sneaky bunny!
Wow a bunny webkinz!

Candy goes immediately into the mouth.
The Easter Bunny was very good to us!

Stamping the eggs!
Avery taking a turn with the orange bunny.
Good job Grant!
Avery acting silly!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Indoor Game Day

Since it is 30 something degrees outside we needed an activity to do indoors to let out some of the energy so we decided on golfing... Grant got this Gator Golf game for Christmas so we broke it out and played golf in the living room. I got this short video of the kids playing it is too funny. Grant was trying to sit while waiting his turn but kept leaning back in the chair and falling over.

Update Grant is almost completely potty trained "crossing my fingers" He still has one or two accidents here and there but has been wearing big boy underwear for the last 2 weeks... yeah!!! He is really funny about it he won't flush the toilet until he shows me that he went in the potty, he told me today that he wanted to show Rileigh. He's very proud of his bodily functions.