Rileigh and Grant

Rileigh and Grant

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mommy's little helpers

The other night our vacuum died so I had to pull out the little dirt devil that is more like a dust buster with a handle. Anyway Grant was quite amused by it and kept asking me if he could vacuum so I let him. He had so much fun with it he vacuumed for 20 minutes! (and yes it was plugged in and running) He also likes helping me load the washer and dryer. Wonder if this habit will continue for the next 15 years???? Rileigh is also a big help around the house, she likes to help me fold clothes and she earns a whole quarter (woohoo). I haven't started the whole allowance thing yet but so far a quarter satisfies her and if I don't have any quarters I give her a dime or a nickle. They are so funny. Here are some pics of my child labor (hahaha).

He's concentrating so the thumb automatically goes in the mouth!

Here are some more cute pics of the kids....

He was reading the newspaper at breakfast one Sunday morning.
Rileigh at breakfast that same morning, she is always happy in the mornings... she is not like me at all! She is definitely like her father.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Weekend Fun

Rileigh have a blast! Rileigh and Tyler swimming around.

We had a fun filled weekend, Saturday we went to Bloomington to spend time with mommy's friends (Kelly and Keith, Heather and Jeff, Jennifer, and Jennifer and Frank) and their kids(Grace, Clare, Jack, and Tyler) and then sunday we went to Forest Park.
Saturday was a blast we played, and went swimming and hung out with all the kids. We didn't want the day to end. Rileigh had fun jumping into the pool and Grant was satisfied with just sitting on the steps playing with the pool toys.

Grant and Jack playing on the edge of the pool.

When we went to Forest Park on on Sunday we visited The Indiana Transportation Museum and got to see a bunch of trains. Grant was in heaven. I think he could have stayed there for hours walking around looking at the trains. He wanted to get on all of them, he loves trains, trucks, anything that moves...

Grant driving the train! Walking around inside one of the trains.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The waiting game...

So here I am sitting in the hospital waiting room just thinking about how precious life is. My 5 year old nephew is in surgery for the 2nd time in 3 months. He is having the rest of his tumor removed. We have been talking about all the kids and how funny they are and how much they are alike. Kids are amazing, if you looked at Spencer you would never know he was sick. Besides the scar on his head and the fact that he is bald there are no signs. He has enough energy for 3 five year olds. Kids bounce back so much faster than adults, we all should take lessons from them sometimes. So we sit here waiting to hear some news of a successful procedure but I know that we will be more waiting as the days and months go on. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers and support for our family. We love you all!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Spencer's 5th Bday Party

The kids with the Hamburger Cake... Grant was not there bc he did not want cake... I think he must be sick :)

We got to celebrate our cousin Spencer's bday today. He turned 5 last monday and as always his party was a blast. We went swimming, had cake of course, and watched uncle Shawn and uncle Evan fish and even catch one. It was a great family day!

"The Fish"

Spencer will be going to Chicago this week for a second opinion at Northwestern. He has a brain tumor and has already had one surgery. We are praying for you Spence and can't wait for you to come home so we can all go swimming again.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The life of a mom.....

Ok so the kids have been sick since Sunday morning... fevers of 102.5, etc, etc. So I decide to be proactive and make an appt for them to see the doctor first thing Tuesday morning bc my husband was off and I wouldn't have to take anytime off work... Well they wake up Tuesday morning with no fevers and tons of energy. So today I pick them up from daycare and guess what the fevers are back and now Rileigh has a rash on her chest and arms.... so much for being healthy... So now I have to take off work early tomorrow and take them in to be seen by the dr. Hopefully they are healthy by Sunday so they can go to their cousin's b-day party. We have to be fever free for at least 24 hours before we can visit him since he is neutropenic bc he is taking chemo. So I am waiting for another night of no sleep... these are the things you don't think about when you are pregnant. Then again you don't think about them when they look up at you with those big brown eyes and say Mommy I love you.....


Thanks to all my great friends out there who tagged me to do a Meme. It has taken me awhile to do it but part of the time I was trying to just figure out what it was! So here goes!

Three Things.....THAT SCARE ME: spiders, ferris wheels, ladders (only scared of certain heights)
I LOVE: my family, my friends, vacation
I HATE: people who are judgemental
I'M DOING RIGHT NOW: absolutely nothing
I CAN DO: cook, bake, listen
I CAN'T DO: delegate.... I can do I am just too type A
THAT ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOODS: pizza, italian, mexican
SHOWS I WATCHED WHEN I WAS A KID: Cosby Show, Silver Spoons, Growing Pains
I am tagging no one bc I think all my friends have done this.....

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th & 5th of July

Don't think this is a toy.... "Baby" Avery checking out Rileigh's tummy

Rileigh and Grant had a ball at nana and papa's house. Aunt Leigh and uncle Johnny and "baby Avery" as well as uncle Joel and aunt Cathy and their "babies" Max and Miley came up from Evansville to visit. Rileigh warmed up to the dogs after about 2 hours of sitting on the couch behind mommy or nana. They had lots of good food cooked by papa and watched the fireworks that uncle Joel and papa bought. They enjoyed sparklers for a short time until Rileigh decided to touch the end of a sparkler while it was still hot. So she sat and watched the rest of the evening. It was a long evening but a lot of fun!

This was pre-burn.....