Thanks to all my great friends out there who tagged me to do a Meme. It has taken me awhile to do it but part of the time I was trying to just figure out what it was! So here goes!
Three Things.....THAT SCARE ME: spiders, ferris wheels, ladders (only scared of certain heights)
I LOVE: my family, my friends, vacation
I HATE: people who are judgemental
I'M DOING RIGHT NOW: absolutely nothing
I CAN DO: cook, bake, listen
I CAN'T DO: delegate.... I can do I am just too type A
THAT ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOODS: pizza, italian, mexican
SHOWS I WATCHED WHEN I WAS A KID: Cosby Show, Silver Spoons, Growing Pains
I am tagging no one bc I think all my friends have done this.....
Rileigh and Grant