The other night our vacuum died so I had to pull out the little dirt devil that is more like a dust buster with a handle. Anyway Grant was quite amused by it and kept asking me if he could vacuum so I let him. He had so much fun with it he vacuumed for 20 minutes! (and yes it was plugged in and running) He also likes helping me load the washer and dryer. Wonder if this habit will continue for the next 15 years???? Rileigh is also a big help around the house, she likes to help me fold clothes and she earns a whole quarter (woohoo). I haven't started the whole allowance thing yet but so far a quarter satisfies her and if I don't have any quarters I give her a dime or a nickle. They are so funny. Here are some pics of my child labor (hahaha).
He's concentrating so the thumb automatically goes in the mouth!
Here are some more cute pics of the kids....

He was reading the newspaper at breakfast one Sunday morning.
He was reading the newspaper at breakfast one Sunday morning.
Rileigh at breakfast that same morning, she is always happy in the mornings... she is not like me at all! She is definitely like her father.
May I borrow your children for an afternoon? I'll give them a whole dollar! That's cute!
They both look so grown up in those last two pictures.
What did you give them for breakfast?
Wow, I'm impressed I want to borrow them after Heather!
How sweet! It is always great to have helping hands. There is way too much for us mommas to do on our own! :)
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