Since I had a post about Grant the other day I thought I would give you a list of Rileigh's favorite things. Her favorite indoor activity is artsy stuff like painting, coloring, stamps, stickers, etc. Her other favorite thing to do indoors is play dress up and dress up like a princess (of course). She also likes helping mommy in the kitchen she likes to stir and add stuff to the mixing bowl when we are making cookies or even dinner. Her favorite show is Wow Wow Wubzy on Noggin (don't ask me what this character is supposed to be). When the weather is nice she likes to play outside with her friends in the neighborhood. Most of the kids are 3 or 4 years older than Rileigh but they all play well together. Everyone keeps commenting on how tan she is but it's not for lack of
sunscreen she is just always outside in the summer. She loves to ride her bike and her razor scooter. Her favorite thing to drink is chocolate milk. Her favorite dinner is cheese pizza and her favorite dessert is chocolate ice cream on a cone (do you see a theme???). She gets her love of chocolate from her grandmas because she sure doesn't get it from us. She also loves school and still gets excited everyday that she goes. These are some of Rileigh's favorite things. Oh yeah she also loves her family, all of them and gets excited to see them each time they come to visit or she goes to visit them.
This is Rileigh with her best friend Jillian who lives across the street.
Here is a video of her ballet class I didn't get the whole dance bc my memory card was full but I got most of it... they are so funny! OK techinical difficulties check back later for some reason I can't get it to download...